Feminism and the coming Dark Sexual Age.

I found this on 4chan.  the poster said he got it from TOR (the darkweb).  I don’t agree with EVERYTHING.  But i do agree with some things.  Quite insightful in my opinion.

Feminism and the Coming Sexual Dark Age
« on: 20 August, 2014, 10:25:56 »

I’m in a coffee shop reading a book.  I look up.  A beautiful young lady has entered the store.  She’s wearing very short shorts (they used to be called Daisy Dukes, but that dates me).  The zipper is pulled down revealing bikini bottoms.  Her shirt only barely covers her breasts, leaving her abdomen uncovered.  She’s blonde to the roots.  Her lips are painted a luscious shade of dark red.  The tops of her breasts are revealed down to her nipples.

She looks around as if expecting to find a friend.  She sees me looking at her.  I probably have a stunned look on my face.  She can probably see the pulse throb in my neck.  I am astonished by her beauty and easy sexuality.  Her lips twist in a snarl.  She sniffs in derision and heads toward the counter.  I can hear the thought running through her mind.  “Creep!”

I have had those reactions before, and not just with people.  I’ve reacted that way to the sight of the Grand Canyon.  A brilliant Aurora Borealis.  An elegantly designed car can get my pulse racing.  A passage in a book.  I’ve been moved to tears by a particular interpretation of Henry V performed in the round.  I have had the same expression on my face while holding a child born not more than an hour before in my arms.  I’ve had that look while watching a painter bringing a beautiful landscape out of a white canvas (happy little trees!).  People understand these reactions.  They nod their heads and say, “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

When I look at that young lady with her zipper down, revealing bikini bottoms, the half-shirt, and the gloriously painted lips, I am a creep.

I bet it’s not because of my gender.  If Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp or some guy from One Direction looked at her that way, she’d probably go into paroxysms of joy.  Or at the very least she’d be flattered.  Unfortunately I am not gifted with fame, good looks, or youthful demeanor.  I’ve had to take “glamor shots” for marketing purposes.  I’ve had to do interviews.  In both of those cases the hair and makeup people try heroically to make me look somewhat pleasing to the eye.  Of course it’s like tying a bow onto a pig.  Sure, the bow is pretty.  It’s around the pig.  But that’s about all you can say about that.

To this girl I am a creep because I am looking at her in appreciation while being old and ugly.  Some older feminists might say that the simple act of looking “objectifies” her.  That I’m simply appreciating meat and not a personality.  They say that I have no right to be astonished by beauty.  They say that I have no right to look at a woman unless it’s with total objective detachment.  And I begin to wonder what kind of world these women want me to live in.  There are movements in feminism that believe we should call the great artists of the past and their works misogynist, since they mainly dealt with the female nude form.  Why not more male nude paintings?  Certainly the Renaissance had a surfeit of nude males in sculpture and painting?  Why are the painters of the 1800’s and beyond almost solely painting female nudes?  It must be exploitation.  It must be objectification.

They’re saying that I can not have my breath taken away by the curve of a woman’s buttocks.  Or appreciate the gently sloping V from the tops of her hips down to the depths of her groin.  Or appreciate the gentle slope of a breast in repose.  If I do appreciate these things, then I’ve reduced her to only those things.  As if by appreciating the view of the Colorado River from the lip of the Grand Canyon that I cannot then go on and understand its ecology and importance as a geographic structure.

The appreciation of beauty as a goal in itself is now a sin.  If I’m awestruck with beauty, I am a beast.

There is a movement in feminism that says if a man and a woman make love while drunk, she can wake up and press rape charges.  You see, she couldn’t possibly consent to sex if she was inebriated.  It doesn’t matter that the man is in a similar state of mental dysfunction.  It doesn’t matter that he had no indication whatsoever that she’d find the sex objectionable if she was sober.  In fact, it doesn’t matter that she never said “no” or “wait” or “I’m too drunk to have sex”.  She might have had a very pleasant time of it.  But if she’s drunk while having her orgasms, he is a rapist.  Please understand, I’m not talking blackout drunk or being drugged or otherwise incapacitated to the level of not being able to even SAY “no”.  I’m talking about fully consented sex that is regretted later.  Yet some feminists think that it’s okay to level the rape charge.

There are laws on the books that say that a woman’s past history can not be introduced at a rape trial.  If she’s made false rape allegations in the past, the defense attorney for the man can not bring that up during trial.  If the defendant was man #4 in a six man gang-bang, the defense attorney cannot ask her about the other five.  Without any context, without the ability for the defense attorney to provide context, it comes down to her word against his.  And even if the jury sides with him, he’s still tarred in his community as a person who was accused of rape.

The situation where a wife accuses her husband of molesting the kids during the divorce proceedings is so common it’s almost become cliche.  Even if that accusation never makes it to court, it can be used in private to make the husband back off on demands for joint custody.  The husband will back down because he doesn’t want that accusation to cause him to lose his job, his friends, his family, and possibly his freedom.  The wife in this situation can get away with it because the courts are predisposed to believe accusations of fathers molesting their children.

And I don’t even want to talk alimony.  I’ve seen too many friends destroyed financially because of it.  They’re willing to pay child support, but then on top they have to pay ex-wife support as well.  It’s an archaic marriage law concept from a time when women did not have careers, nor really the possibility of one.  It’s out of date, but feminists fight against its removal tooth and nail.

If I sound like some sort of Mens Rights Activist and misogynist bastard to you, I understand.  This kind of talk is typical of the MRA platform.  Not surprisingly, MRA is considered to be a haven for pedophile men by feminists.

The fact is I love women.  I love strong, opinionated women who fight to be heard and respected.  I love watching movies where the female lead kicks ass and is her own woman.  I’ve had girlfriends who frighten other guys with their assertiveness.

I think women should be allowed into every job and role in society that they are qualified for.  I think they should be paid as much as men for doing those jobs.  I’m a huge proponent of Title IX.  I think Gina Carrano (did I spell that right?) is one of the sexiest women alive.  In my romances I want a 50/50 partnership where neither person takes more than they give.

In the times I’ve had to employ women, I’ve treated them as professionals and promote or fire them because of their actions, not their gender.  I believe in total equality between the sexes, not the kind of equality that “grades on a scale”.

But nah, I’m probably considered some drooling Men’s Rights knuckle-dragger by feminists…

What I object to is the feminist desire to go beyond the scope of being treated as total equals.  A lot of rape shield laws were enacted due to the notion that women would feel attacked on the witness stand and thus would refuse to testify.  This is odious to me.  This assumes that women need protection because they are “weak”.  Rape shield laws enshrine the inequality of women in this society by presuming their weakness.

When Monica Lewinsky was in the news for fellating Clinton, feminists were outraged.  Their reasoning?  Even though Lewinsky said many times she pursued Clinton and that the acts were completely consensual, the feminists say that she could not consent due to being helpless against her attraction to a man of great power.  It shocks me to this day that feminists basically said that women are incapable of self control in certain circumstances.

Feminists, especially the #yesallwomen kind, think that every compliment is an assault.  “You look hot in that outfit” is verbal assault in their minds.  Hearing a wolf-whistle on the street is, to feminists, a precursor for sexual assault rather than some immature jerk being rude.  They think that an older man gaping at the sudden appearance of an enormously sexually charged woman is a sign that he wants to rut with her regardless of her personality.

The unfortunate fact is that women are raped.  A lot.  They are sexually assaulted in breathtaking numbers.  They are generally smaller and less able to fight back against an assault by a man.  They go out jogging in a sports bra and shorts and get catcalled by men passing in cars.  They are still sometimes called upon to engage in sexual favors for a promotion (or simply not losing their job).  They have some very legitimate grievances and concerns.  I just learned last week that a woman I know was raped by a client of hers in the course of her duties.  The fact that she’s still doing the same job today is amazing.

I have no problems with any woman who stands up and says that she’s sick of being manhandled and harassed.  I’m with her 100%.  I am a flying buttress of support.

What makes me dislike feminism is their prescriptions for improvement.  Their agenda will take us back into the sexual dark ages of courtly manners and Victorian era stodginess.  They have set up such a minefield of restrictions, conditions, and legal protections that it’s amazing anyone is getting laid.  And it’s only getting worse.  Ministraw complained about “consent contracts” in one of her posts earlier.  I can’t agree more.  We’re headed for a situation in which the only way to have safe sex is with a condom in one hand and a pen in the other.  But the fact is, it’s not working.  In fact, while feminists are trying to control all of the variables of sexuality, the #yesallwomen movement shows that not much progress is being made in stemming the problems.

Feminism has become an anti-sex movement.  They’ll never admit it, but they are.  By treating all men as pigs with no self control they are demonizing half the populace (except gays, who have no interest in them).  We have PSAs now that young boys have to sit through in the theater where they can see Obama and other hollywood stars implore them to not rape women, as if raping women is something that is present in every boy.  Men are treated as creeps because they appreciate beauty without having to go through a ten hour crash course in that specific woman’s history and psychology.

So what is the answer?  If not feminism’s minefield, what else can be instituted to make this a more pleasant society.

Glad you asked.  Make society a sex-positive one!

1. The easiest change to make is to legalize prostitution.  Not only that, but make it something you need to get licensed for.  Taxed.  Regular health checkups.  Labor law protections.  Unions.  If you need hints, just go to Denmark or Germany.  Look at how their red light districts run.  If someone needs sexual gratification, there is an entire industry set up to sate it.  A safe, regulated, taxed industry that protects the prostitutes.

2. Regularize societal acceptance of alternative sexual lifestyles like swinging, or open marriages, or polyamory.  Make it okay to bring home the husband and the boyfriend for Thanksgiving.  Monogamy is an enforced condition and not a human condition.  We crave sexual novelty.  We have the capacity to love more than one person with all of our hearts (just ask a parent of multiple children).

3. Repeal all nudity laws.  There is no such thing as indecent exposure.  It’s just flesh.  Demystify the human body.  Stop treating flesh as something so valuable that it must be hidden, or alternatively so damaging and horrible that it must be hidden.  Nudity with no other action is harmless.  If a man runs down the street with an erection flapping in the breeze, it’s just an erection, not toxic waste.

4. Teach children that sexuality is a wonderful thing to have.  Much like everything else in life it needs to be used with maturity.  Help the children attain that sexual maturity.  Teach them from a young age about consent and respect for another person’s body.  Teach that sexuality is a gift that can be given to another (or multiple others).  It’s not a horrible burden or a damaging activity as long as all parties agree to participate.  Teach about protection against sexual disease and unwanted pregnancy much like you’d teach them to look both ways before crossing the street.

5. Make rape about “sex without consent” again.  There’s enough shades of gray in those three words.  We don’t need any more gray.  Make sexual assault about imposition of genitalia on another person’s body instead of just “viewing someone’s junk”.  An erect penis pressed on a person’s buttocks in a deliberate way on a busy bus is sexual assault.  Seeing someone’s penis while on the bus is not.  If a person is masturbating in your view, it might be rude, but it’s not assault.  If that person happens to be a man and he ejaculates onto you, then it is.

6. Stop hiding affection in the home.  I’m not saying there should be no privacy.  I’m saying that the parents should not hide the fact that they are sexual beings from their children.  That love and sexuality is a wonderful part of being a couple.  Physical contact in a sexual context is not something that is dirty or forbidden.

7. Stop judging anyone for the number of sexual partners they’ve had.  Treat it as you would handshakes or friendly hugs.  Don’t turn sex into a special class of “apex” experiences.  We’re still holding on to the ideals of medieval morals that imply that sex is for procreation and thus can only be performed in a very specific kind of relationship under certain kinds of conditions.  Birth control is cheap.  Condoms are plentiful.  Pregnancy is no longer an inevitable consequence.  And a hymen is a piece of skin, not a bartering chip.

8. If a child is curious about their bodies or yours, don’t turn them away like it’s a verboten thing.  To be sex-positive means that sex and sexual organs are just items on a continuum of human experience.  Sex can be done in the context of deep and abiding love, or it can be done because it’s fun.  Don’t put it, in of itself, on a pedestal without context.

There are probably dozens more.  But the key to a pro-sex society is making sure that children are raised in an environment where sex is commonplace, everyday, available if needed (through a friend, a loved one, or if all else fails a prostitute), and most of all not this secret, hidden, dirty act that damages a person’s worth in society.  If anyone wonders why I call myself a “philosophical pedophile”, it’s because I think that the only way to get to a pro-sex society is to raise a couple of generations of children in it, not because I have a particular sexual attraction to children.







And I don’t give a damn if you’re offended by what i’m posting!!! I have had it and i am speaking out!!! So who the fuck is next, huh? Captain America, Superman? No lets just go and make Batman gay. I mean all hell’s bells they’ve been hinting at it for years. Ambiguously gay Duo anyone? In fact let’s add love scenes to Batman where we see him french kissing Robin or Nightwing!! No better yet, full blown anal scenes!! Because fuck knows little kids need to learn about gay sex from their comic heroes!!!

Hell let’s redo the fucking 80’s while we’re at!! Let’s make half the cast of G.I. Joe gay, or let’s make Bumblebee and Ironhide gay, cause God knows robots can be gay too!! Shit we can make the entire cast of MASK gay, and lets make Sonic and Mario gay!! Cause we know that’ll make bank! Every last gay person on earth will rush out and buy the new Mario or Sonic game once it’s confirmed that the characters are gay! And all these companies will be in the black again! FUCKING GODDAMN BULLSHIT!!!

I am sick of this shit, full fucking blown sick of it! *end rant*

Naturism and the Transgendered.

This question recently came to me like a bolt out of the blue and i truly wondered about an answer for some time. I have actually looked up some other peoples answers to the question.  So far i don’t have a good answer.  While i don’t find myself seriously offended by the body a she-male or a he-gal.  Hell I’ve met some flat chested tomboy lesbians aka reverse traps that I’d fuck without question.  I can’t say the same for she-males, just not my cup of tea.

But back to the main question: Should we allow transgendered i.e. she-males and cross-gendered  people to visit family oriented nudist resorts.  I can just see the children asking all sorts of question of their parents now.  I kind of think they shouldn’t be allowed to joining because of the stigma it may place on naturism.  We already have something of a bad rap in the world as is, should we really be adding to it?

Picture angst.

As i was updating the blog and trying to make it better looking, i decided to look up some images for the headers.  I wanted to post a well done nude of a black woman for the naturist page.  I figured it would be simple, no fuss, no muss.  Boy was i wrong.  I spent more then a total of ten hours over a three day period trying to find one decent picture and i couldn’t find one.  I finally settled on the picture you see on the page now but that was all i could find.

I have come to the conclusion that nude blackness is not accepted nor is it seen as popular or interesting in the art world.  I found a few pics of semi nude black men but they all seemed to be of a urban variety and it quickly became obvious that almost no one was going to go below the waist with any of the black males.  I have to laugh at something so pathetic.  Are we that scared of the penis of a black male.  Is his girth and length so massive and impressive that we can’t look at the art in the picture without looking at his genitals and feeling inadequate or feeling a sense of awe at how “big” a black male is between the legs?  I really wanna yell “GET OVER IT!!!  ITS A PENIS, NOT A DEITY!”

As a bisexual male I’ve seen a number of penises up close and personal and to be quite honest, while impressed in some cases the ultimate realization is that you really can’t enjoy a large penis.  Don’t let the porn fool you, it’s not very comfortable in the least.  You girls have no idea how lucky you are.  At least you can truly enjoy a large penis for all it’s worth.  On the plus side though this has encouraged me to post some pictures of male genitalia for the sake of art of course.

Halo and Sam

I finally went and got Halo: Combat Evolved on the PC two days ago.  I’ve been playing it alot!  Since i like FPS i figured i’d love the game.  And it is good.  A little repetative and i miss having a insane stockpile of weapons, but what the hey, I got to drive a Warthog!

Now about Sam, older white male, I’d say about late forties, maybe early fifties.  I met him at the Y two days ago ad i went back to his place, no biggie.  For him the sex was a lot of passion, a bit of nipple play.  I was happy to obligie and i enjoyed myself.  Not as much as I think i could have, but i got off pretty well.  Then we talked society and politics.  And after 11:30 p.m. I left, i had to go to work.  He gave me his phone number and i gave him mine.  He was in town for the week to deal with his mother who is sick and had ot be placed in a rest home.  Funny thing is he has a Texas phone number but SC license plates.  It doesn’t matter though, we had fun and i felt i had opened up a little.
